Posts Tagged With: london

Writer’s block at Midnight in London

I find myself sitting in front of my computer screen, as I often do, it’s an occupational hazard, and, I am finding myself with a horrible case of writer’s block.  Now, the interesting thing is… This blog entry is flowing effortlessly from my mind to my fingers to the keyboard and on to the screen.

Why is it then I cannot seem to tackle the travel article I need to write for work?  It’s a subject I enjoy — South Africa.  It’s a place I’ve been often, and, it’s a place I will select for any given holiday.

I  have a 9 AM deadline looming, and, I am drawing a complete blank about how to start.  The topic is even interesting — South African wine.  (By the way, I highly recommend  Ernie Els Signature – 2006 – Bordeaux Red Blends.  A bit pricey for South African but, it’s very good!)

Perhaps I will break out a bottle and be inspired…  Let’s hope so for my sake!


Categories: Ian Cook, South Africa, South African wine, Travel Writer Ian Cook, Travel writing, Wine | Tags: , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

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