Posts Tagged With: ian cook cold

Traveling with an aaaachooo cold

So here I am, day two of what has turned out to be a very rotten cold.  I’m running a fever and have chills.  I’m sneezing, coughing, and, overall just feeling pretty crappy.  It wouldn’t be so bad except for the fact I need to drag my sorry ass on a plane in just two short days, and, knowing myself, my system, and, my lack of ability to get over a cold quickly.  It isn’t going to be fun.

Yes, be warned my fellow travelers.  The guy with the contagious cold that you dread will sit next to you is coming your way.  Like most people who drag themselves to work — instead of staying home like people should when ill — I too am part of the population who help spread a cold around.

Granted, nothing would make me happier than to get a call from my editor telling me that assignment has been pushed back to another date.  I’d much rather stay home and nurse my cold.  (Unless of course I meet a gorgeous flight attendant who takes pity on me during the flight.  Nope that never happens.  Not to guys like me.)

And, so I know I will end up infecting one — if not more people as I travel to my destination.  I will apologize to you in advance and offer you my remaining tissue as token gift of the misery you are about to endure.

The sneezing, the coughing, the throat so sore you can’t swallow, the fever, the chills — the common cold.

Categories: Adventure travel, catching a cold, colds, Ian Cook, seaonal colds and flu, Travel, Travel Writer, Travel Writer Ian Cook, Travel writing | Tags: , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

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