Posts Tagged With: Ian Cook Adventure Travel

Writer’s block at Midnight in London

I find myself sitting in front of my computer screen, as I often do, it’s an occupational hazard, and, I am finding myself with a horrible case of writer’s block.  Now, the interesting thing is… This blog entry is flowing effortlessly from my mind to my fingers to the keyboard and on to the screen.

Why is it then I cannot seem to tackle the travel article I need to write for work?  It’s a subject I enjoy — South Africa.  It’s a place I’ve been often, and, it’s a place I will select for any given holiday.

I  have a 9 AM deadline looming, and, I am drawing a complete blank about how to start.  The topic is even interesting — South African wine.  (By the way, I highly recommend  Ernie Els Signature – 2006 – Bordeaux Red Blends.  A bit pricey for South African but, it’s very good!)

Perhaps I will break out a bottle and be inspired…  Let’s hope so for my sake!


Categories: Ian Cook, South Africa, South African wine, Travel Writer Ian Cook, Travel writing, Wine | Tags: , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

It’s a cold, wet day in Reykjavik

It’s a cold, wet day in Reykjavik and rather than risk pneumonia, I have decided to stay here until I at least go from completely miserable to just under the weather.  In case you haven’t been following me, I have a terrible head and chest cold.

For those who have been following me, you might get a slight chuckle out of the fact that rumor has it that my boss has been sneezing all day 🙂  Like I wrote, sometimes God does have a sense of humor!

I’m looking at the rain come down as I look out my hotel window, and, I must confess that I am sorry I feel so rotten and I am sorry that it is raining. Reykjavik, make that Iceland in general is an amazing destination, and, I wish I was able to get out and explore or perhaps take advantage of the famous Blue Lagoon Spa.  No I am not gay or Metrosexual, but, the Geothermal Spa at Blue Lagoon comes highly recommended, and, my motto is “when I Rome.”

But, no, I am stuck here waiting for yet another bowl of chicken soup to arrive, and, I’m still experiencing bad cold or flu symptoms.  And, I am still thinking back to yesterday and wondering how many people on my flight woke up with sore throats and colds this morning.  Again, I apologize if I infected you.

For now, I’m going to crawl back in bed, and, rest.  After all it is one of the best things to do for yourself when sick with a cold or flu.  Maybe tomorrow will hold the promise of feeling better.  I sure hope so…

Categories: catching a cold, colds, Ian Cook, seaonal colds and flu, Travel, Travel Writer, Travel Writer Ian Cook, Travel writing | Tags: , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Why do people say “It’s just a cold”

As I lie here in what I can only describe as my deathbed, I am dumbfounded that the common cold doesn’t get the respect it deserves.  After all, something that makes you feel this rotten is more than “just a cold.”  And, I am admit I am amazed that people toss that phrase around like you have a hang nail.

Few things in life can knock most people flat on their asses like a cold.  Yes, there are varying degrees of colds — some not so bad and others down right horrible.  And, why is it that when you do come down with a cold that’s when everything happens?  From your boss needing to see you to having to drag yourself to the grocer because you don’t have anything you need in the house.

I’ll never understand bosses and companies that do not believe in sick days.  I mean, come on, realistically, few people have such strong immune systems that they never suffer with colds.  So, if you know how it feels and how unproductive it makes you… WHY?  WHY DO YOU FORCE PEOPLE TO WORK?

The truth of the matter is that by dragging one contagious person into the office you are going to get everyone sick.  Does it make sense to have the entire staff sick and not get anything done over having just one or two people sick and not getting anything done?

So to the people who are forcing me on an airplane tomorrow, I look forward to our meeting upon my arrival.  I’m still in the contagious stage and I cannot wait to share this miserable cold with you!

Categories: Adventure travel, catching a cold, colds, Ian Cook, seaonal colds and flu, Travel, Travel Writer, Travel Writer Ian Cook, Travel writing | Tags: , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

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