Posts Tagged With: flying with a cold

Sometimes God has a sense of humor

As you know, I’ve been suffering with a horrible head and chest cold the past several days.  If it was later in the Fall or Winter I would swear I had the flu.  It hit hard and fast, and, I haven’t improved any yet.

So, I drug my shivering, feverish, sneezing, wheezing, coughing self this morning for my flight to Reykjavik (Iceland).  As I waited at the around I suffered in silence.  My head feeling it was heavier than my body, and, still shaking almost uncontrollable with chills.  But, alas, I HAD to make this trip.

My apologies to those who sat next to me and near me on my flight today. The cold you are about to catch isn’t good news. It will knock you on your ass and keep you there for days.

Well, not really.  The boss I had to meet today does not like me, and, believe me when I tell you the feeling is mutual.  I won’t go into the gory details but, it has to do with his lying and cheating and actual stealing (blatant plagiarism) to get to the position he holds.  This isn’t about jealousy on my part.  No, I am far happier with being a freelancer and, not being tied to a desk.  The point is the guy is an arrogant, self centered son of a witch (you know what I really meant to write but I’m keeping this blog PG) and, he knew darn well how sick I’ve been all week, and, this meeting was forced on purpose.

Anyhow, I board the plane and since God has a sense of humor.  I am stuck in the middle of a sardine seat.  On one side of me is a man who (without exaggeration) had to be 6’8″ or 6’9″ and on the other side of me a very attractive woman.  Then, as we taxi down the runway, I go into a sneezing fit.  Normally I am a multiple sneezer to begin with — with a cold — I must have sneezed 20 times in a row.

I could feel the eyes all peering into the back of my neck with disgust in my direction.  I dig into my coat pocket to discover I went through two packets of tissues and I had exactly three tissues left for a three hour flight.  Oh this would be fun!

The very pretty woman next to me started digging around her bag, and, like an angel sent from the heavens she had a full package of tissues and handed them to me and told me to feel better.  I didn’t catch your name my dear but if you happen to read this entry, I again thank you for your kindness!

As the flight continued, I sat quietly suffering from this horrible cold, and, the food and beverage service started.  Thank God!  Hot tea is what I wanted and needed.  And as the flight attendant asked what I wanted, I felt the sneeze coming on and as I spoke and sneezed at the same time it came out “A teaaaa”.  Of course, this was an utter embarrassment moment as my nose dripped disgusting discharge as I raced to find a tissue, and, I sprayed everything and everyone within a 5 foot radius with my powerful blast.  I was waiting for the Captain to come back, hand me a parachute and order me to jump off the plane!

Finally, 3 miserable, long hours later we arrive in Iceland.  I collect my things and go out to the brisk weather of Reykjavik and proceeded to wait for a cab.  It wasn’t raining or anything, but, a taxi driver did manage to find the only puddle in sight and splash me.  Yes, God has a sense of humor – I didn’t have time to change and went straight to my meeting.

I go into the meeting and shook hands with people who’s names or faces I cannot recall at the moment, and, as I wrapped up the introductions I felt another huge sneeze coming.  I had no tissues left and hand no choice to sneeze in my hand.  And, as my boss — the one who doesn’t like me — started to shake my hand, I announced that “I have a bab cold” and just started at my boss with an icy smile, and, made sure I sat next to him and sneezed and coughed in his direction for the following hour.

Yes — sometimes God does have a sense of humor! 🙂


Categories: Adventure travel, catching a cold, colds, Ian Cook, seaonal colds and flu, Travel Writer, Travel Writer Ian Cook, Uncategorized | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

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