Posts Tagged With: Blue Lagoon Iceland

It’s a cold, wet day in Reykjavik

It’s a cold, wet day in Reykjavik and rather than risk pneumonia, I have decided to stay here until I at least go from completely miserable to just under the weather.  In case you haven’t been following me, I have a terrible head and chest cold.

For those who have been following me, you might get a slight chuckle out of the fact that rumor has it that my boss has been sneezing all day 🙂  Like I wrote, sometimes God does have a sense of humor!

I’m looking at the rain come down as I look out my hotel window, and, I must confess that I am sorry I feel so rotten and I am sorry that it is raining. Reykjavik, make that Iceland in general is an amazing destination, and, I wish I was able to get out and explore or perhaps take advantage of the famous Blue Lagoon Spa.  No I am not gay or Metrosexual, but, the Geothermal Spa at Blue Lagoon comes highly recommended, and, my motto is “when I Rome.”

But, no, I am stuck here waiting for yet another bowl of chicken soup to arrive, and, I’m still experiencing bad cold or flu symptoms.  And, I am still thinking back to yesterday and wondering how many people on my flight woke up with sore throats and colds this morning.  Again, I apologize if I infected you.

For now, I’m going to crawl back in bed, and, rest.  After all it is one of the best things to do for yourself when sick with a cold or flu.  Maybe tomorrow will hold the promise of feeling better.  I sure hope so…

Categories: catching a cold, colds, Ian Cook, seaonal colds and flu, Travel, Travel Writer, Travel Writer Ian Cook, Travel writing | Tags: , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

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